Annelies Freriks has worked as an attorney since 1994, working previously for Banning and AKD. Until 1 March 2018 she was Professor of Environmental Law, in particular nature conservation law, at Utrecht University. She is currently associated with the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law at this University. Annelies specialises in environmental law and law of substances.
She has extensive experience in advising governments and companies, and litigating on their behalf. She has in- depth expertise in the field of nature conservation law (Natura 2000 and protection of species), water legislation and plant protection products and biocides, and obtaining authorisation for the same. Her case work has included Room for the River, Flood Protection Programme, fisheries, energy and housing projects, industrial parks, nitrogen and Natura 2000 in the context of zoning plans, permits and reports, water permits, authorisation for biocides and plant protection products. Annelies is a member of the Association of Environmental Law Attorneys [Vereniging van Milieurecht Advocaten], the Association for Environmental Law [Vereniging voor Milieurecht], and the Association for Construction Law [Vereniging voor Bouwrecht]. In addition, she is a Working Group Member of the Committee on Environmental Impact Assessment. She writes and teaches on subjects in the field of environmental law, water law, nature conservation law and the law of substances.
Other positions:
- Working Group Member of the Committee on Environmental Impact Assessment
- Member of the National Forest Service [Staatsbosbeheer] external fauna advisory committee
- Lecturer for inhouse courses, speaker at conferences and seminars.
- Co-author ‘Hoofdlijnen milieubestuursrecht’, Bju
- Co-author ‘EG-recht en de praktijk van het waterbeheer’, STOWA
- Co-author ‘Natuurbeschermingsrecht’, Sdu
- Co-author preadvies Milieubescherming in het omgevingsplan, Association for Environmental Law [VMR]
- Co-author ‘The Legal Instruments for the control of emissions of medicines for human and veterinary use’, Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law/ Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Utrecht University
- Author ‘Effecten van volksgezondheidsbeleid op natuur en biodiversiteit: bewustwording noodzakelijk’, Council for Public Health and Health Care [RVZ]
- Co-author ‘Natura 2000 in Nederland. Juridische ruimte, natuurdoelen en beheerplanprocessen’, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency [PBL]
- Co-author ‘Zover het eigen instrumentarium reikt – Een onderzoek naar de positie van de provincie Noord-Brabant en de Noord-Brabantse waterschappen bij de realisatie van Kaderrichtlijn Waterdoelstellingen, met bijzondere aandacht voor de Omgevingswet’.
- Co-author ‘Aanpak historische en nieuwe verontreiniging van grondwater onder de Omgevingswet’.
- Co-author ‘De effecten van het Wezer-arrest op de bescherming van drinkwaterbronnen en de drinkwatervoorziening’
- Co-author ‘Europees milieurecht en decentrale overheden’, VNG-Praktijkcahiers Sdu
- Co-author ‘Programmatische aanpak stikstof en programmatische aanpak water – van tweeën een?’, Agrarisch Recht
- Co-author ‘De juiste weg: projectbesluitvorming in het overstromingsrisicobeheer’
- Author ‘Private handhaving’, VAR-preadviezen 140 ‘Privaat bestuur’, Bju
- Author various articles and annotations in amongst others Journaal Flora en fauna, het Tijdschrift voor Natuurbeschermingsrecht, Agrarisch Recht, TvO, TGMA and CML
Register of Jurisdictions:
Annelies has registered the following main (and sub) areas of law in the register of areas of law of the Dutch Bar Association: Environmental Law, Environmental Law, Nature Conservation Law, Water Law and Spatial Administrative Law. By virtue of this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits in each registered principal area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.